Building a strong network can be one of your greatest advantages in any social circle. Here are a few tips I’ve learned.
Creating your own personal brand is a strategic way to stand out from your competition.
Here are some fun ideas for your summer. Let this be the Summer of YOU!!
There are simple strategic steps we can take to replace our bad habits with positive changes.
Actions speak louder than words. As we embrace truth in our lives, it allows us the freedom to move forward.
Many times life throws us lemons. It’s our job to learn how to turn them into lemonade. As we shift our focus from the unfairness of our situation, these obstacles…
Letting go is one of the most difficult things we’ll ever do in life but it becomes necessary if we’re to move forward and evolve with our journey.
This video gives the basics for creating your own social media video using your phone and simple editing apps.
When we surround ourselves with good friends it enriches our lives. Find the time for those who mean the most to you.
We all have setbacks but it’s how we choose to handle them which determines if they will define or refine us. The path of acceptance is key to moving forward…
This motivational video helps you see the importance of having and becoming a Mentor. These roles not only enrich us, but allow us to grow and transform into the people…
This motivational video shows you how to take the necessary steps to try something completely outside your zone of comfort.
This video compares several lipsticks on the market to help you find the right one for you.
This is a motivational video about living our lives with passion. Although we can’t control all of our circumstances, we can choose how to react to them. Focus on the…
This is a motivational video which encourages us to stop comparing ourselves with others. If we acknowledge and embrace our strengths we will find greater fulfillment in lives.
I’m not sure how she did it but my mom always gave the perfect gifts, especially at Christmas time. Mom had this uncanny intuition. She would shop for hours, going…
Laughter Fills the KitchenSome of my happiest times are spent with my California cousins. This is my Mom’s side of the family and they’re of Italian descent, Sicily, to be…
One of my favorite recipes handed down to me from my grandmother is Zweibacks, a delicious sweet bread which can be eaten alone or as a sandwich with cold cuts.…
Although it sounds easy peezy, on location photography is actually one of the most challenging of all photo sessions. The lighting, weather, terrain, subjects and nature of the shoot all…
The State Fair of Texas is by far one of my favorite destinations in Texas. Texans do things in a big way and our fair is no exception. From the…
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.75″ background_layout=”light” border_style=”solid”] Have you seen the commercials for make-up lately? They all have terms like: “all natural”, “organic”, “paraben-free”…but what does it all mean? Then, I…
It was during the grieving process that I learned how to take care of myself. It became a matter of survival. I’m a people-pleaser by nature, but here’s what I…
Today it’s so easy to capture a special moment in the greatest of ease with the use of your phone camera. Though I’ve been a professional photographer for 20+ years,…
Yesterday was one of reasserting myself. It reminds me of the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day in 5th grade. A classmate named Cheryl kept trying to pick a…